Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Full Tds credit if Form 26AS (Statement) not reflect TDS Credits?

What are procedure to get full TDS Credit, if Form 26AS (Statement) not reflect TDS Credits?

The TDS (Tax) Deductor is bounded to issue TDS Certificate as well as deposit Deducted TDS (Tax) into Central Government Treasury through Bank by appropriate Challan. Secondly TDS Deductor is also mandatory to file TDs Return in respect to deduct TDS by fining of Return Quarterly within Due Date.

For non compliance of each and every part mentioned above, there is a separate penalty and consequences under the Income Tax Act-1961 as under:
  1. For non issuance of TDS Certificate within a prescribed time, penalty is imposable u/s 272A (2) @ Rs. 100/- per day during which the failure continues. However, the amount of penalty cannot exceed the amount of tax deductible/deducted.
  2. For non filing of TDS Return also, there is a penalty provision of Rs 100 per day. The recent Finance Act-2012 has imposed a fee of Rs. 200/- per day for late filing of TDS Return. Besides, a penalty of Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 1,00,000/- is there for non filing or inaccurate filing of TDS return. The amendment is w.e.f 01.07.2012.
Without Quarterly TDS Return being filed by the Deductor, you will not be entitled for the Tax Credit in respect of TDS done from payment made to you. Also, unless and until the TDS return is filed by the Deductor, deductee will not be able to view the TDS Credit in Form No. 26AS.

There is a general grievance that in many cases the Bank and other Tax Deductor are either not filing the quarterly TDS return (or are not issuing the TDS certificate) despite many requests & reminders by the Deductees.

In such cases, Deductee can follow the following approach:
Write a letter to the Deductor incorporating:
  • he details of payments done and the tax deducted therefrom.
  • Provision of Section 203 which requires the Deductor for issue of tax certificate within one month from the date of tax deduction
Keep the proof of letter issued to the Deductor

If despite this, the certificate is not issued, write a letter to Joint Commissioner or Addl. CIT of TDS wing who has jurisdiction over the Deductor mentioning the detailed facts elaborated above.

In this regard tax payee must check their Tax Credit in Form No. 26AS by registering your PAN at www.incometaxindia.gov.in. In the absence of availability of TDS in form No. 26AS it would be difficult for the Assessing Officer to grant the TDS Credit.

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